We only have a skeleton bus service on public holidays. 在公众假期,只有最少量的公共汽车营运。
Two to four weeks in the summer and public holidays& that's all the working man gets. 2至4个星期的夏季和公众假期,这是所有工作的人得到。
I have a good job and having weekends and public holidays off is very important to me '. 我有一份好工作,有愉快的周末和假期对我而言也很重要。
Markets in Japan and China were closed for public holidays. 日本和中国股市因节日闭市。
A government plan to expand public holidays may also test the aviation industry. 此外,拟议中的公共假期调整对航空业而言也是一大考验。
This holiday entitlement may be subject to include all statutory public holidays. 这个假期的权利可能受到包括所有法定公众假期。
Prices may be subject to change on public holidays. 以上价目于公众假期或会作出更改。
I do not get weekends or public holidays off. 我年终无休,没有周末,也没有公休假期。
The bay was always frequented by visitors on Sundays and public holidays. 因此常有游客在周日和节假日来此一游。
This is the same way that public holidays during a period of annual leave are treated. 这是相同的方式,在年假期间的公众假期的待遇。
All dental clinics closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. 所有牙科诊所于星期六、日及公众假期休息。
Sundays Public Holidays time-table is applicable to all sundays public holidays year round. 「星期日及公众假期」时间表适用于全年的星期日及公众假期。
Open public Holidays. Japanese folk dancing weekends Festivities reach their peak on New Year's Eve. 节假日照常营业周末日本舞伎表演节日活动在除夕达到高潮,家家户户灯火齐明,全家人团聚吃年饭。
Willing to work shifts, weekends and public holidays. 能接受倒班工作,在周末和法定假日。
Certain stations are closed on public holidays. 在公共假日里某些车站是关闭的。
There are eight public holidays during the year in both Britain and the us. 英国和美国一年中部有8个公共节日。
To avoid congestion, applicants are also requested to submit their applications well before school or public holidays. 为免挤迫,申请人请提早在学校假期或公众假期前递交申请。
Peak period rates apply for departures on Friday-Sunday, eve of Public Holidays& Public Holidays. 旺季在这里是指星期五到日、公共假期与公共假期前夕。
Most shops open on puBlic holidays. 大多数店铺在公共假日期间都照常营业。
There will be NO City Check-in on Sunday and Singapore Public Holidays. 星期日及新加坡公众假期将不会有城市预先办理登记服务。
Shops, museums and other public attractions, such as historic houses and sports centres, may close on certain public holidays, particularly Christmas Day. 商店、博物馆以及其他公共景点,如历史名宅和体育中心,在某些公共假日会关门,尤其是圣诞节。
Offers are not valid on Saturday and public holidays eves. 此优惠不适用于星期六及公众假期。
In Britain, official public holidays are also called "bank holidays". 在英国,官方公假也称作“银行假日”。
There are4 bank holidays and4 other public holidays each year. 英国一年有4个“周一假”和4个其它公共假期。
You will be entitled to public holidays gazetted by the Singapore Government. 你将享有新加坡政府公布的公共假期。
Public holiday refers to the public holidays of Hong kong. 公众假期指香港公众假期。
Paper cutting have special significance at festivals and on public holidays. 剪纸在喜庆日和公众节日里有着特殊的意义。
International students can enjoy the Chinese public holidays, the summer and the winter holidays. 留学生享受我国的节假日及学校的寒暑假。
Required travel documents, public holidays, car rentals, ferry information, banking, area code and important phone numbers, airlines and other helpful resources. 所需旅行证件的,公众假期,汽车出租,轮渡信息,银行,地区代码和重要的电话号码,航空公司和其他有用的资源。
Shall a company pay overtime pay if it arranges staff training at weekends or public holidays? 公司在假日或休息日安排员工培训需要支付加班费吗?